


By: Apostle Steve Lyston

Joel 3: 21 says, “I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land.”

What if men, especially political leaders would take both Biblical and Personal prophecies seriously? The gift of prophecy is the breath of God. Revelation 22: 7 says, “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” (Read also: Revelation 1:3, Revelation 11: 6 Revelation 19: 10, Revelation 22: 10; 18 – 19)

If leaders were taking note on making decisions using the Bible and apply it as a guideline

 Many lives would be saved
 Billions of dollars would be saved
 Many politicians would not suffer defeat
 War would be averted
 Cosmic problems would be significantly decreased
 We would not be speaking about global warming
 Furthermore, leaders would know the areas of importance

The recent U.S. Elections will now open our eyes to see why God allowed Donald Trump to win. He was using it to give His people more time to be ready. Many ‘unsaved’ persons are unaware of the times and seasons and the Biblical prophecies that are being fulfilled. Over the Christmas weekend, we saw the most shocking Biblical prophecy being fulfilled – the United States of America abstained from voting regarding the UN Resolution against Israel and then in turn condemned Israel while the enemies of Israel succeeded without the US opposition.

CNN has reported as follows:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned the US ambassador and launched a scathing attack Sunday on the Obama administration after its refusal to veto a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s settlements in the West Bank.

The United States abstained on the resolution, allowing it to pass, rather than vetoing it — as it usually does with resolutions it sees as overly critical of Israel, leading to US Ambassador Daniel Shapiro being summoned, an Israeli official told CNN Sunday.”

Genesis 12: 2 – 3 specifically states, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Take note that it states that through Abraham (which is ultimately through Israel) all the families of the earth will be blessed. So, when nations curse Israel, Himself is going to cures them. When nations divide Israel God Himself will divide their country. What we will see are the manifestations of the consequences of such an action – the shaking of nations on the earth as never before. Fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and a great earthquake that will hit Indonesia! There will be signs in the moon that will even shock those who worship the moon. (Joel 3: 15 – 16; Matthew 24)

Furthermore, we should pray much for President Elect Trump as he assumes his role as President that he will cry out for mercy and repentance for the role America played in this plan.

The Resolution does not only affect the Jews, it also says to us spiritually, that Christians have no inheritance either, and remember that Christianity was birthed out of Judaism. Galatians 3: 13 outlines that once a person becomes a Christian they are entitled to all the blessings of Abraham.

Part of the Resolution is that all the Holy Sites would be given over to the Muslims as an inheritance.

This should open the eyes of all Christians now and we should all be looking up for God’s redemption draws near. Sadly, many get caught with themselves without even realizing or knowing what time it is. Many will feel the effects of all this in 2017.

Although the Jews are currently still far away from God and still do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. The promise that God made to Israel still stands. When one touches Israel in a negative way, they touch God!

Joel 3: 6 – 9 says, “Also the people of Judah and the people of Jerusalem you have sold to the Greeks, that you may remove them far from their borders. “Behold, I will raise them out of the place to which you have sold them, and will return your retaliation upon your own head. I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off; For the Lord has spoken.” Proclaim this among the nations: “Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up.”

Christians need to read Psalms 83; Micah 5 and the Books of Joel and Ezekiel. Surprisingly, the Book of Joel speaks of Egypt, Greece, Syria and Palestine. Egypt was the center of the Resolution. Who says God is not real?

What has happened is going to lead directly into the battle of Armageddon, and unless we cry out that God will hold His hand, the devil will have his way to fast forward the close of the age.

We must recognize the Time and the Season we are in and seek to live and function as the Lord requires of us. This is a very serious position in which nation of America and every Christian has been put. We must pray!




We have come to the close of the year and are on the verge of a new one, and we need now to give God thanks despite the challenges we have faced in 2016.

Many have gone through pain, delay, disappointment and even loss of loved ones, but we must remain grateful to the One Who created us all. Many from the start of the year made resolutions; some we gained, some we lost. Each of us has our season that we go through and sometimes these seasons come to strengthen our faith and to change our focus and priority. The time has come for us to evaluate our list – check off what was accomplished, what was not and formulate a new list of goals for the year ahead.

Believe by faith that for those things that did not come to pass in 2016, there is an opportunity for them to happen in 2017. God is faithful and HE always keeps His promises. It is us as human beings that have the tendency to not keep our promises. When we are reviewing our 2016, let us do an honest evaluation and identification of our shortfalls.

We need to ask, ‘What are the shortfalls and what can we do differently to bring change?’

In order to bring change, we first must change. Many times, people make resolutions and are unwilling to change although they need a change! ‘Was I a good steward of the little with which God entrusted me?’ ‘Did I manage my money and time properly?’ ‘Did I use the gifts and talents God has given me to bring positive change to someone else’s life?’ ‘Did I volunteer to help my community?’ ‘Did I go to the House of the Lord faithfully this year?’ ‘Was God first in my life; did I spend enough time with Him this year?’ ‘After I got that new job/promotion, did I give God thanks?’ What were the things that ‘stressed you out’ in 2016? What areas were/Who was your greatest focus?
Moving Forward

Going forward we need to now change our focus:

  • We must manage our time even better
  • We need to invest in those people who make us happy
  • We need to cut off those that suck your energy without valuing our time
  • We need to place a value on ourselves and set the value standard for those around us
  • We need to build ourselves an inner circle of good strong supporters

Then pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you the Times and Seasons and what needs to be done in 2017. Ask Him what your focus for the year ahead must be and we have to change our focus toward that. Oftentimes we believe that the year we enter will be like the year we are leaving behind and it is not so. For some things to change there must be the internal change to receive the external changes. For example, you may need your finance to increase, your healing and your relationship within your family to change, but your answer may lie in your committing yourself to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Maybe we also have to change the way we eat and maintain it so that we can have a better quality of life. Some will need to stop ‘shacking up’, because our bodies are the temple of the Lord.

There needs to be greater focus on the children and their welfare and education; who influences them, who is their focus, what are their values, what are they watching. As parents, we MUST manage. It is not the responsibility of the Government to manage our children it is ours.

Stop unnecessary spending, God wants each person to own a debt-free house.

Seek God first in 2017, not the Social Media and the opinions shared there. It is not FOX News, CNN, TVJ, CVM or Market Conditions that should be the determining factors for our decision-making. Judge all things to see whether or not it lines up with what God is saying to you.

Never try to change or appease anyone, only God can do that. Please God and God will please the people.

The voices with which you surround yourself will determine your success in 2017. There are many voices out there and many ‘truths’ out there, but only one real Truth. Many ways, but only one is the right way.

A Happy New Year to all.